Face Care
Moisturising Bubble Toner with Sea Grape Extract Reyena16 Aqua Bubble Blossom Toner
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product ID: 689045
- Product details
Brand: Reyena16
Line: face care
Product Type: face toner
Product Properties: anti blackheads, anti inflammation, anti irritation, moisturizing, nourishment, repair, toning
Ingredients: camellia, centella asiatica, green tea, الألوة فيرا, الكيراميدات, حمض الهيالورونيك, زنك, سيراميدات, شوفان, فيتامين e, ملح بحري
Formula: non-comedogenic
When To Use: universal
Gender: unisex
Classification: natural
Skin Type: all types, sensitive
Country: South Korea
Made in: South Korea